Chiropractic Treatment For Scoliosis

While scoliosis is not curable, regular adjustments with chiropractic care may help to improve the function and structure of the spine. The earlier that scoliosis is addressed, the better off you can be long term as chiropractic care may help in slowing down scoliosis. In some cases as scoliosis worsens a back brace may be needed which in itself is uncomfortable and undesired.

Signs of Scoliosis

The most apparent signs of scoliosis consists of uneven wear of shoes, high shoulder or low hip noticed in poorly fitting clothes and in some cases back and leg pains. The most certain way to find out is to schedule a consultation as soon as possible so that a chiropractic physician can make a just assessment.


Give us a call today at (573) 547-6591 to schedule a no-obligation consultation!