Chiropractic Care In The Treatment of Asthma
While chiropractic care is not a treatment for asthma, it can provide potential benefits with improving symptoms of asthma.
Asthma occurs from an array of factors such as air pollutants, emotional stress or other related illnesses. Asthma leads to shortness of breath, wheezing, an irritating cough and can even progress into an asthma attach which could require emergency medical attention. All of this can occur because asthma causes the lungs and airways to constrict which makes it difficult for the body to properly delivery necessary oxygen to needy cells.
While many have utilized inhalers and medication to treat asthma, some may turn to chiropractic care which has been shown to help improve the condition with regular treatment and provides a natural alternative to traditional treatments. Chiropractic treatment and care involves realigning the spine, which then allows the nerves to properly communicate with the body. Chiropractic manipulation can adjust and eliminate potential and known obstructions to the lungs and airways, thus restoring the body to a natural state of alignment.
Asthma can occur as a result of environmental factors including air pollutants (dust, smoke), or because of emotional stress or related illness. It leads to shortness of breath, wheezing, irritating cough, and can even progress into a full blown attack in which an individual requires an emergency inhaler or even medical attention. These things occur because asthma causes the lungs and airway to constrict, and inflammation makes it difficult for the body to effectively conduct and deliver oxygen to needy cells.
Many individuals with asthma have resolved to maintenance of the illness, using inhalers and medication. But chiropractic care has been shown to help improve the condition with regular treatment, and provides an alternative to these traditional therapies.
Chiropractic treatment involves the realignment of the spine and therefore the nerves, which play a role in every function the body carries out. Accordingly, chiropractic manipulation can adjust an individual and eliminate obstruction during nerve impulse conduction to the lungs and airway. Chiropractic care for the treatment of asthma is a non-invasive option for patients who are looking for alternatives to medications.
Contact us today at (573) 547-6591 to schedule a no-obligation consultation to determine if chiropractic care is a better option for you!